The Corporate Arrears Recovery System (C.A.R.S.) provides Registered Local Landlords with the ability to manage tenant debt on a corporate level, consolidating liabilities across all debt types.
CARS matches cases from Housing Management and Sundry Debt systems, regardless of the manufacturer version.
A host of enhanced recovery tools significantly increase collection rate, reduce the (recovery) resources required through process automation, and improve the customer experience by simplifying repayment arrangements and reducing avoidable contact.
The system is simple to use and revolutionises the way in which your organisation’s recovery teams can be organised, and caseloads managed.
Welcome to Joined Up Thinking.
Key Features and Benefits include:
Unique Corporate Approach
Focused on Case Management the Corporate Module is compliant with the Citizen’s Account Initiative. It enables all related accounts for a Tenant to be linked together and used to manage payments and recovery.
Annual Statements
Consolidation of account details from all back office systems enables Annual Statements to be issued giving Tenants a summary of their outstanding balances.
Integrated Back Office Links
Integration Adaptors for retrieveing all relevant information from a range of Housing Management and Sundry Debt systems have already been developed and are provided as part of the CARS implementation.
Joined Up Organisations
CARS enables a single point of contact for arrears management to be provided. This approach can significantly reduce the number of Tenant contacts and avoid duplication of recovery effort across all departments involved. Extending CARS access throughout an organisation overcomes the ‘Silos’ of information and activity enabling a collaborative approach to be established.
Technical Arrears
CARS ia able to analyse Benefit Entitlement and identify the benefit payments that are due in any period. CARS can also identify where the benefit due has not yet been received. This enables Technical Arrears to be separated from Tenant Arrears which allows management to accurately assess the true level of arrears.
Managing Benefit Cases
The Benefit Status of each case is identified within CARS. This enables cases on benefit to assigned to a recovery profile that is appropriate to their circumstances.
Improved Customer Experience
Case consolidation significantly reduces the number of cases to be managed and improves the customer experience by enabling their total indebtdness to be handled on first contact and thereafter.
Arrangement Negotiation and Monitoring
Voluntary customer arrangements can be negotiated, rcorded and monitored automatically on a daily basis. This allows default arrangements to be promptly identified and managed, overcoming the time delay and resource issues traditionally required for more manual approaches.
Caseload Management
Management decisions on strategy, resources and funding require an accurate understanding of the caseload. CARS’ case management approach provides the information and business intelligence required to make those decisions with confidence, without interrogating each individual source system.
Appropriate Recovery Approach
The circumstances of each arrears case can range from payment avoidance to genuine financial hardship and it is vital that the most appropriate recovery approach for each is applied. Cases are assigned to Recovery Profiles within CARS that reflect their circumstances and ensure that the most appropriate recovery approach is taken. An integrated Income / Expenditure assesment process allows debtors financial circumstances to be assessed and used as the basis of any arrangement.
Benefit and Money Advice Inclusion
Ensuring that Tenants are provided the appropriate advice for both Benefit Entitlement and also Money Advice is essential in reducing levels of debt. CARS enables Benefits and Money Advice departments and agencies to become involved and have cases referred directly to them.
Partner Referrals
Closer co-operation between organisations and their external agents is enabled by the option within CARS for third parties to have access to cases that have been referred for their attention. This can be external recovery agents, advice agencies, bailiffs or sheriff officers. Cases passed to external agencies for legal action and recovery can be monitored by CARS in respect of recovery achieved allowing the effectiveness of external agencies to be guaged independently.
For more information, please download the brochure, contact our sales team on 0141 255 2804 or Contact Us.